Recollective Space

Recollective Space weaves together the narratives of 'King Rama V’s Visit To Europe (1897)' and 'A Trip To The Moon (1902, Georges Méliès)' by projecting scattered footage. This particular manner of screening dismantles the traditions of cinematic presentation, seeking to construct a situation where these iconic contents are revisited. In particular, this work explores the relationship between the fictional and documentary aspects through the visual dialogue between the films represented in each. The projection of both films is reflected by fragmented mirrors. On the surface of the wall, the scattered footage is viewed as a whole, allowing the audience to recollect those parts and reinterpret a slice of history in their own way.

Artist: Nat Setthana
Medium: Mixed Media Installation/ Size: Varies to space / Year: 2021
Exhibition Venue: Thai film archive
The project is a part of the exhibition “Genesis” (2021).
Special thanks
Artist assistant: Panupat Tansui
Artist assistant: Thawanrat Udomsri